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Ligman Australia’s MicroVOS™ (Micro Variable Optical System) is our unique technology enabling customers to specify tailored optics for all fixtures where you see the MicroVOS™ logo. This allows for fully customised lighting distribution solutions to overcome otherwise tricky lighting designs. With the use of photometric testing equipment at our Brunswick facility, we can quickly provide photometric files to any custom distribution to assist the lighting design process. A range of the most typical standard distributions are always available for these products such as Type-1, Type-2, Type-3, Type-4, Type-5 and ME.
If the need is for something more specific and unique to these, Ligman Australia can offer custom optics to suit the precise project lighting distributions required. With MicroVOS™ technology, Ligman Australia can combine optics to create custom solutions as well as offer additionally specialised optics. If additional cut off angles are desired to tackle obtrusive light spill, or there is a need to have optics rotated 90Ëš, 180Ëš or 270Ëš, this can be easily accommodated. The opportunities are near limitless with the MicroVOS™ customisable optical system. Listed to the right are some examples of what can be is possible, but for the full MicroVOS™ service please contact your local sales representative with your project needs and we’ll evaluate the best solutions for your specific requirements.
Typical standard MicroVOS™ optics
Combination optic examples
Special solution optic examples
IESNA Type 2 medium beam with excellent backlight control, illuminance uniformity and cutoff
Wide IESNA Type 4 forward throw beam for wide area lighting such as car parks
Type II/III (long) beam for very wide pole to pole distances. Ideal for pedestrian paths and residential roads
AS/NZS 1158.3.1 P-Classes
Beam with wide light distribution and good illuminance uniformity for residential street lighting and staggered pole setups
Through MicroVOS™ technology, Ligman Australia provides a wide variety of optical light distributions suitable for all architectural, roadway and area lighting applications, for example, VN: very narrow, N: narrow beam, M: medium beam, W: wide beam, VW: very wide beam: E: elliptical beam, plus Type II, III, IV and ME classification from IESNA/EN.
Type I distributes a very lineal shape. It is the optimal choice for applications such as one or two-lane roadways, walkways, paths or sidewalks. With a preferred lateral
width of 15Ëš, it is suitable for lighting streets or pathways that have a width of up to two times the mounting height.
Ideal for wider walkways, entrance, roadways, bike paths and other long and narrow lighting application. Intended to be located near the side of a roadway, approx 1.15 MH. Half-maximum candela trace on the street side is beyond the 1 MH LRL but not beyond the 1.75 MH LRL.
Ideal for roadways, general parking, and other lighting application. Half-maximum candela trace on the street side is beyond the 1.75 MH LRL but not beyond the 2.75 MH LRL.
Especially suited for wall mounting or area applications and for illuminating the perimeter of parking areas. Half-maximum candela trace on the street side is beyond the 2.75 MH LRLMH LRL.
Type V distributes a circular pattern (there is also a Type VS that produces a square distribution with a more defined angle). Having the same distribution at all lateral angles, it is perfect for general area lighting -the ideal choice if you are looking to do parking lots or intersections.
Ideal for roadways, general parking, and other lighting application. Half-maximum candela trace on the street side is beyond the 1.75 MH LRL but not beyond the 2.75 MH LRL.
Type II/III (long) beam for very wide pole to pole distances. Ideal for pedestrian paths and residential roads. EN13201 P-classes.
For many areas where a reduction in blue wavelength is desired but the compromises presented by Amber LEDs can’t be tolerated, Ligman Australia has an option of either various low blue wavelength CCTs or the MicroVOS™ lens system. With our new amber correction lenses, the
spectral area that contains blue light can be significantly reduced while maintaining a good level of optical performance and providing safe nighttime movement. By eliminating these wavelengths, the amber correction lens is also limiting light pollution and therefore skyglow, allowing easier observation of the stars above. The Ligman Australia correction lenses can be fitted to most MicroVOS™ products.
The backspill lens is a revolutionary tool when designing for areas that require high level illumination, targeted distributions but also consideration for unwanted backspill. Ligman Australia’s integrated glare technology can be fitted to most MicroVOS™ products and provide unparelled backspill control of obtrusive light while still providing targeted optics and output to meet P categories.
MicroVOS™ Technology | 01.23
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